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Daftar Isi
- Akhir Napas Volkswagen Routan
- Ratusan Ribu Mobil Subaru Ditarik
- Toyota Tetap Bangun Pabrik di Indonesia
- Tucuxi Seharusnya Diuji di Sentul Saja
- Model SPG Dilarang Buka-bukaan
- Halau Kemacetan, China Subsidi Angkutan Massal
- Cara Percepat Internet Explorer
- Tips to beautify Carport at home
- How to create a bathroom stays dry
Akhir Napas Volkswagen Routan
Ratusan Ribu Mobil Subaru Ditarik
Toyota Tetap Bangun Pabrik di Indonesia
Tucuxi Seharusnya Diuji di Sentul Saja
Model SPG Dilarang Buka-bukaan
Halau Kemacetan, China Subsidi Angkutan Massal
Cara Percepat Internet Explorer
Bila anda sering browsing menggunakan Internet Explorer dan merasakan performa dari browser kurang cepat atau bahkan cenderung lambat. Hal ini di sebabkan koneksi maksimal yang digunakan oleh internet explorer hanya dua koneksi saja ( di asumsikan menggunakan koneksi internet dengan 512 Kbps ) saat terhubung ke server dan mendownload sebuag web page.
Dua koneksi yang digunakan merupakan definisi standart untuk HTTP. Sekarang bagaimana cara mempercepat proses downloading pada file HTTP tersebut untuk proses download, anda harus sedikit memodifikasi pada file registry.
Untuk memulianya pertama-tama jalankan Registry Editor dengan mengetik “ regedit” dari box Scurry. Lihat gambar :
Selanjutnya browse pada folder di bawah ini :
Code : [ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Setting]
Di jendela sebelah kanan ada dua entri dengan nama MaxConnectionsPerServer dan MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server , pada entri tadi menyimpan settingan greatest untuk nilai koneksi. Klik dua kali masing-masing dan plih nilai desimal,maka akan membuat limuit koneksi baru. Misalnya anda mengganti dengan limit 8 Relations, maka jelas akan ada perubahannya.
Setelah selesai mengganti atau modifikasi Registry, Save komputer untuk mendapatkan hasilnya. Dan bila anda ingin mengembalikanya, anda bisa ubah nilai tadi menjadi 2 lagi.
Tips to beautify Carport at home
Carport or call the car park is often forgotten in the arrangement of the house often. Carport different from being in a home garage. Because the location is slim the carport and directly deal with the road, it is necessary to design a simple and charming that makes carport seen as an element of beautify the facade of your house.
The function itself is a carport for car shelter. It too can serve as a shade for the yard or can also menamhab value your homework page.
To create a beautiful carport, Desai should not pick a complicated models. Quite simple / simple, provided in accordance with the look of your home. Desai Menyederhakan carport is not difficult, the hard part is making it consistent with the propose theme of your home. Which allow a view intersting or not visible from a carport roof design. Grid patterned roof or transverse row fits completely with the concept of a modern house and minimalist simplicity form kerana displays but also artistic value.
To be able to use glass roofing materials, roof tiles, polycarbonate or fiberglass vehicle so when it rains the rain indirectly ken. It should be noted also for the frame buffer to the ground has a vast selection of material, approximately from wood, stainless steel, concrete and even steel frame.
Laneways beautify carport, you can also add a hanger-hanger small pots with pretty plants and planting ornamental plants around the carport, such as bonsai, palms, bamboo or other plants.
Hopefully the above tips can help inspire you in your home spatial carport.